Friday, March 23, 2012

Think Smart

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Lenovo for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

As a teacher, visual aids are a must to keep students motivated and lessons understood. It’s no rocket science that students’ attention span is as short as the girls’ skirt on hot summer days. Haha. And in this modern age of technology, if you teach your students the “old school” way, you will be branded as “uncool”. Well, I had to admit, I love innovation. Who doesn’t? That is the reason why there is an apps for everything. Wink* And if we are talking about teaching and learning process there is no better way to accomplish one’s teaching objective that to use innovation. And for this modern technology is one of the best teaching tools that a teacher can utilize to teach more effectively and efficiently.

And as a modern and innovative teacher, I am always in the lookout for new tools to use to benefit my students. And one of the new innovations we have around is the Lenovo ThinkVision. Yes, this baby is a state-of-the-art thingy that will make any student motivated and focused on any lesson I present. And with the convenience of a laptop, my lessons will be presented in high quality production that I bet will help my students pass the subject [wishful-thinkingly].
Flat Panel - 14
What I like about this mobile monitor that is only under two pounds and less than an inch thick. It is easy to set up and I can carry it anywhere where I need it. And then, I don’t have to drag my bag-on-the-wheel where I used to put my rolls-upon-rolls of tattered manila paper visual aids that I handmade years ago. Hayyy.

Well, this ThinkVision is not only good for teaching. It is an innovation that will benefit any field of expertise from business to education. And right now you can avail a 10% off the ThinkVision LCD monitor if you purchase it online. Just refer to the following information:

Dates: 3/1/12 - 3/31/12
Discount: 10% off
Part number: 1452DS6

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself this ThinkVision and get that innovation in your hand.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Lover Boy

I rarely discuss anything about my Sweetest here except when I write him a letter [which he never reads, anyway]. Why, because he doesn't know I have a blog. Well, he kinda know I am writing on blogs but he doesn't know what they really are about. But don't get me wrong. He is no computer-fool. He knows how to use the computer. We met online, remember! Wink*He shops online. He does his banking online. He googles. And yes, he facebooks too [just recently].

My Sweetest is a big guy. He is 6 feet tall and has the body of a football player because he has a build-in shoulder pads. Just kidding. What I meant was, he has broad shoulders that makes me feel so safe and protected. I feel that he can beat anybody in a heartbeat when he feels that I am in my damsel-in-distress mode. LOL.

Though big and strong, my Sweetest is the meekest of them all. Soft-spoken, gentle and loving. But what I love most about him is that... he makes me breakfast in bed... on Saturday mornings. He washes the dishes and folds my laundry. And most importantly, he knows Jared. wink*

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Renting a Vacation Home

Spring is coming and in no time summer will be at our doorstep. This is the best time to plan for our next summer getaway. With the economy still at its toughest we need to plan ahead and plan wise. Well, not because the economy is tight it doesn’t necessarily mean we need to just stay home and work, work, work. We need to have some fun too to recharge our tired body. As the saying goes – all work and no play makes Ruthi crazy. Yeah, there is no saying like that. I am just being silly and maybe trying to justify that I do need a vacation. So around this time of the year I am getting my fingers busy browsing at because this year, we will just be vacationing somewhere close to home.

Why not? Home is where your heart is. And I can’t go too far this year because of economic reason. But I don’t really need to justify anything, do I? I do need a vacation because I deserve it. And this year, I will just go somewhere really close to home and not too close to feel that I am home. I am thinking of Canada. I am thinking of Alberta. And I am thinking of Edmonton. Why not, it’s one of the best places to explore in our backyard. Yes, Canada is just in our backyard and that makes it easier to go to. And it will surely save us a lot of money if we will just rent a vacation house instead of staying in the hotel.

But for those of you who are thinking of moving to Canada… check out Rent Edmonton and you will surely find the best place to live in.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Moving Here

Thanks for the article from Rubin Osborne

Moving here was really tough on the whole family but we have instituted a couple of things that have made it easier. We can't have to hang out with someone new at least once a week and that has really helped them reach out and make friends. We also got for the house and we have started doing a weekly family movie nights that makes sure we spend a lot of time together so we can talk about how we are changing since the move. I know my husband and I really like it here but it was much harder on the kids because they have such established groups of friends at their old school and I know they really missed them. I think overall everyone is going to be just fine here, though, and this was a good decision to make for the whole family. It's just going to take some time for everyone to get used to her new life but it will happen!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whatever makes you happy

The internet is no longer new. This is the way of life now… from learning to doing business to teaching new things, from searching to researching to relearning old things and yes, from reaching out to family to friends to customers and business partners. Everything is done through internet. And yes, I found the love of my life through the internet. [shhhhh] But that is only one of the amazing benefits of the internet. If you are a business man, it helps a lot if you know how to take advantage of the internet to get your business move fast and move up. And with that, you need to keep in mind that there is no other way to achieve your goal but getting the right Advertising Agency.

Advertising is still the right way to do business especially in this time of modern technology. And to get best result for your business, using the right tools and the right advertising agency makes the difference. So if you are a serious businessman who is seriously thinking of doing serious business the serious way then take that simple step – go to That Advertising Company!

You see, there are different advertising companies and not every one of them “makes you happy”. Not every one of them is born digital and not every single one of them is – That Advertising Company. Because with them, the only thing that matters is to make clients happy and I believe that a happy client means a successful businessman doing business with a happy client. Then, everybody is happy. What do you think? Wink*