Hubby and I religiously watched movies on Saturday nights before we got so caught up with our jobs. Saturday night is a Date Night Movie for us since we got married. It was a tradition as sacred as our “Friday Night is Chinese Night” [which we still practice religiously]. But when we got really busy with our jobs and housework [on my part] going to the movies became a rare occasion now. The last time we watched a movie as I recall was last summer. We watched Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs… in 3D. How cool was that? LOL
Well, I am not really too crazy to watch movies. I just like the idea of me and Hubby having a special time to bond. And it is the only time that we don’t fall asleep while watching a movie. But this weekend, we will surely go out and watch a movie because Date Night… a new movie starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey will be shown on April 9th.
Oh, Hubby loves Tina Fey. He will never wait for the DVD release of this movie because he has a big crush with Tina Fey ever since she portrayed Sarah Palin during the Presidential Election. I know he wants to watch her in the big screen. Well, as for me, I love the humor of both Steve Carell and Tina Fey so I am so excited to watch too. I have seen the trailer and it is indeed funny.
Trust me it is so funny. Check out the video trailer here and see for yourself:
Not satisfied yet? Then let’s see the movie opening weekend and let us enjoy Date Night with our beloved “Dates” wink*
Here are some additional Info about Date Night:
In “Date Night,” which opens Friday, a bored suburban couple played by Steve Carell and Tina Fey go on their weekly dinner date and find themselves thrown into a night of intrigue: there’s breaking and entering, a car chase, a shootout and a showdown with an underworld boss at a strip club. Husband and wife come out of the adventure with some scratches and also with their ardor renewed.
And for the full New York Times article please visit:

It sounds like an interesting movie. Enjoy!
I want to watch this movie too, I wonder when it is going to show here in Europe. Nway, have a lovely date Amiga and enjoy to the highest :) ♥
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