It's my birthday today. It's no big deal. When you are five years away from becoming a "Golden Girl" birthdays are a countdown that you either look forward to or dread to even just give it a thought.
Yes, I turned 45 years old today and it's not a big deal. I have more important things to do than celebrate it. I need to attend the last day of training required for my work. I have laundry to do. I need to answer my take home exam for my Medical Terminology class tomorrow. And I am just so tired and frustrated that I cannot take the weekends off.
Yes it's my birthday today and Hubby played it cool and I am not very impressed. Here is the thing. When I celebrated my very first birthday as his wife...
Hubby screwed it up. He didn't know the exact date of my birthday. He thought it was the 13th and not the 14th. And any wife feels how terrible it is when your Hubby doesn't know your exact birth date. Good thing his daughter saved him from disgrace. Heather baked me a cake on my birthday. He bought me a diamond earrings though. Hmmmmp!

On my second birthday as his wife... Hubby did not forget my birth date but he didn't want to watch the movie that I picked and instead watched the movie that he liked. He brought me to a fancy restaurant and had a wonderful dinner after the movie though. Another hmmmmmmp!
This year, since I was in a hurry to hit the shower this morning and leave the house to go to Biddeford for my training I didn't have the time to whine about him not greeting me on my special day. I didn't even have the time to deal with his ridiculous request to take care of the laundry that "he folded" which I really appreciate by the way because that was the second time he did it since we got married.

Well, I was not expecting a gift this year because I know that our budget is kinda tight and that we have bills to pay. The bills are our priority right now. I wasn't even hoping that he will bring me to a fancy restaurant for dinner either because I know I will be tired when I get home from the training. And honestly, I am already happy that he washed my laundry and folded them. That gesture is "huge" and I really really appreciate it already. It is indeed a wonderful gift to me.

But here is the best thing... when I got home from the training, Hubby was lying on our bed. And surprise... surprise... he changed the beddings... he washed them... and made the bed. And for the record, it was the very first time he did it. I was ecstatic! Then he asked me again to take care of the laundry in the basket because he has another batch of laundry in the dryer that he needs to fold. Hallelujah! So I took the basket and started to put the folded clothes in the closet... but lo and behold... I found a familiar plastic bag in the basket. And my eyes instantly lit up.

Little did I know that the gift was in the basket since this morning that was why he wanted me to take care of it. Yes, I got a new set of earrings. And it's my birthstone.