No! I am not PMS-ing. No! I am not menopausing... just yet. And heck no! I am not going through another a-rare-case-or-over-the-top-bad-hair day. I am simply going through a woman thingy that I don't have a word for it. Whatever that is... only we "women" know or not exactly. But don't worry moments like these are not a permanent thing. They do come and go.
First of all... I had a flu. Given the condition, I am still vulnerable. Second of all... bills are piling up and need to be paid. and Third of all... I have a class to attend tonight and I had not read my notes. [Note: I'm currently taking Medical Terminology class. Will write about it next time.]
And with all the issues mentioned on 2nd paragraph... I have an appointment today with my radiologist.
Yes... if you are like me... a woman... married and above... [taking a deep breath now] forty [whew]... I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YOU! pap smear and mammogram.

With my favorite cousin Ate Elvie. I miss her so much.
I had my pap smear last December and my mammogram is scheduled today at noontime. Much to my desire to not go... I just can't. The big C runs in my blood. I have relatives who both died or survived from it. I had my first pap smear when my favorite cousin who took care of me when I was little was diagnosed 3 years ago with 3rd stage cancer of the cervix [and eventually died from it last year]. Since then every married woman in the family had pap smear every year. And when my MIL had mastectomy the year I married her son, Hubby begged me to get a mammogram. Oh well, you got to do what you got to do. Mammogram may not be fun but it won't be fun either if I will not be detected soon.
So to all my women friends... I have another 2 words for you... GET TESTED!
hope you are now feeling better, Ruthi. hope all is well also in your mammogram results. my doctor reminds me every year when it is time for pap smear and mammogram, so it is hard to miss this two :) i had a scare about 4 years ago (big breast lump), thankfully nothing pathogenic, but still, since then, I always play safe.
@Betchai... thanks my friend I do feel better now. I agree with you we need to play it safe when it comes to our health.
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