It was my step-daughter’s birthday the other day. I didn’t buy her any gift because I was too busy with blogging. Not a good excuse though. I have no idea of what to get her too. It was another unacceptable excuse. And I don’t have enough money to buy her something. That is the truth and could be a valid excuse.
Anyway, I made her a special birthday card. I don’t usually buy greeting cards in store because they are really expensive. And I prefer to give my family cards that I made myself because it’s more personalized and I can choose my own design and do my scrappy thingy with it.
This year, I made her a special digital scrapbook designed card on her birthday and yes, I enclosed some cash for her to buy what she wants. Her father usually gives cash to everyone as gift because he is really lazy to go shopping and wrap gifts. Well, if the gift comes from him... I always wanted it in - cold cash!
Anyway, I made her a special birthday card. I don’t usually buy greeting cards in store because they are really expensive. And I prefer to give my family cards that I made myself because it’s more personalized and I can choose my own design and do my scrappy thingy with it.
This year, I made her a special digital scrapbook designed card on her birthday and yes, I enclosed some cash for her to buy what she wants. Her father usually gives cash to everyone as gift because he is really lazy to go shopping and wrap gifts. Well, if the gift comes from him... I always wanted it in - cold cash!
wow! you're really good with digi-scraps ate!
i wish you could do that
me too, i like making my own cards and wrapping my own gifts
haha - cold cash as gift from my parents din sana. pero looks like ako na ang magbibigay
sorry, I haven't been here for a long time. and wasn't able to reply to your query :(
I got a job. kapagod ang biyahe, traffic at shifting schedule. nag quit na ako! yay. start uli ng bagong job. hehe. sana di ako mag-quit
I suppose you already knew how to solve your query before :(
me too, everytime i give birthday presents to loved ones, i always want it personalized. for me it's sweet :)
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