Yesterday morning, I made Hubby his all-time favorite ham and cheese omelet and poached eggs on toasted wheat bread for breakfast. There was only 1 egg left so I decided to boil it and to make an egg salad for his sandwich the following day. Then, I went to work in the computer and got lost in my thoughts. I was suddenly brought back to my senses when I heard our smoke detector sounding like crazy.
I jumped from my swivel chair and headed straight to the kitchen. The egg! The lone egg! The poor egg! There it was sitting helplessly in the middle of the casserole where I first carefully laid it on swimming in water. There it was sitting powerlessly in the middle of the casserole which was drained of the water. There it was sitting impotently in the middle of the casserole burnt, bruised and scorched.
That poor egg ruined my credibility. Now, I am thinking of retiring.
hahaha! I can completely relate! I'm not a good cook but good at cooking instant food hahaha! ^_^
I also leave my cooking for a quick blog post or what and then I will only realize several minutes after that I was cooking something only to find it burnt or what. Good thing I didn't burn our house down --- yet! hehehe. ^_^
Thanks for the comment it was really nice of you. Bukad atay ako hahaha! Wonder if you understand what that means. hehehe. ^_^
Ruthi, this made me laugh! Hahaha! Nicely written! I am a good cook, too, only when I am boiling egg though, hahaha!
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