Monday, April 7, 2008

the PLUS sign

Sleepless nights due to numerous trips to the bathroom made me sleepy all day. Missing my period last month didn't give me reason to worry much though because I used to having irregular periods when I was a bit younger. But a particular pre-menstrual symptom that I usually have week before my period has been there for the entire month. But still there was no reason to worry. It's too early to tell.

Why worry? I am [only] 43 years old and have not been a mom yet. So I don't really have any idea how it feels like. I am not nauseous nor do I have morning sickness or cravings. But my gut feeling told me other wise. I am getting too sensitive over simple and petty things. But still not reason enough to hope much less to worry.

Still, we bought the pregnancy test kit at Rite Aid. I mean hubby did, because I was having a pit that time and preferred to stay in the truck. I didn’t take the test immediately because I thought maybe I’ll do it first thing in the morning. But after awhile I decided to take the first test (anyway, there are 3 sticks in the kit so I might as well have a test run, so I thought).

I followed the instruction well and the result was quick… the + sign was clear. I thought I will take another test tomorrow morning. Maybe, it will be negative then. I woke up at 4 am for my regular trip to the bathroom and I grabbed the second stick. Followed the instruction again… and the + sign was again clear. So I got two in a row now.

I took the last test again this morning and still it is on the plus sign. I grabbed the phone and scheduled an appointment with my doctor for a check-up to confirm it and to have a pre-natal consultation. Being in my 40s I know my pregnancy will be considered as high-risk. This is the only worry that I have. But with prayers from friends and people who care… I know, the baby and me will be safe.

Well, for now, my only proofs are the 3 tests that I took. I am indeed pregnant. I am having a baby. I will be a mommy… soon.


DebbieDana said...

WOW! Congratulations!!!!


when i was reading your really put a smile on my face.

congratulations! take care of yourself and the baby!!

Pinay Mommy

by the way, thanks for leaving a message at my CBOX.