Friday, April 25, 2008

my little angel will watch over me

A couple of weeks back, I was so happy and excited when I found out that I am having a baby. You see, I am 43 years old and I married late. And this wonderful news is a "no brainer". I was the happiest woman in the world. I have given hope to a lot of "40-something" women who are dying to have a baby (mostly, my friends and some relatives) just as I did too, when they heard that I was getting married last year.

This is supposedly my first pregnancy. This will be a high-risk, as I was told by my Family Practitioner because of my age. And this will take a lot of precaution and care. But yesterday, my hubby had to bring me to the hospital because of my persistent cramps and bleeding. I LOST THE BABY.

It was really sad. I cried a lot in the hospital. But not as hard as my hubby did. But then, I had to accept it. I know things happen for a reason. I am thankful though... that, for a short period of time, I felt how it feels to be a mom... and a woman.

I am hopeful. And I am happy because I know I have now a "Little Angel" watching over me and there are more blessings yet to come. I have faith, that after this storm, sooner or later... I will be blessed with another life inside me.


Soge shirts said...

You are a strong and very positive person. I hope someday you are blessed with everything you desire. My prayers and thoughts to you and your husband.

Angel in the Sickroom said...

Hi Ruthi. I am very saddened by your lose. I was very happy when you said you were pregnant but I was so sad when I read the following statements...

I will pray for you and your baby. I know that your angel would watch over you. And have faith, if you were blessed with a pregnancy the chances are great if you will have another one.

dex said...

so sad to hear that. I hope and pray you will be bless another baby. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruthi,

I am so sorry to hear this. This is really sad but I wish you all the strength tat you need to cope up with this loss. I know your little angel is watching over you.

Lots of love from Singapore...

Shimumsy said...

hi dear, i am so sorry about your loss but she is an angel up there now watching, singing and smiling over you and your husband. just remember, everything happens for a reason. hang in there.

hugs, hugs, hugs.

ruthinian said...

Thanks guys, I really appreciate all your comforting words. And thanks for the prayers. I need that. You all take care.

Zenserly said...

you have an angel watching over you in heaven sis, and yah, things do happen for a reason....